Our Story


My background is in Textiles and Design, so I have always had a love for the colours and textures of fabrics and the designing and making of clothes.

For this reason I have always been concerned that the fate of so much of our clothing is to go to land-fill. The quantity of discarded clothing has increased dramatically of late, but fortunately there is a growing awareness of the tragedy of this waste and more people are looking to recycle.

We all accumulate clothing and accessories in our wardrobes which we have never, or hardly ever worn. Selling these takes away the “guilt” and provides the means to buy wearable items. Of course the buyer saves much of the cost of purchasing “new”, so everyone wins, as does our environment.

In this time poor age many of us don’t always have time to present and sell our own items. Deja Vogue offers to do the work, provide the platform and sell on your behalf.

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